Best Gynecomastia Surgery in Bangalore
The Gynecomastia Surgery Excellence Center at Contura Clinic in Bengaluru is spearheaded by the world-renowned and best-in-class board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sreekar Harinatha who is a leading gynecomastia doctor .

Summary of Our Gynecomastia Surgery

60 Minutes
Procedure time

Absorbable stitches
No Scars

3 days consultation
Including the day of surgery

+18% GST

Dr. Sreekar Harinatha
The Gynecomastia Surgery Excellence Center at Contura Clinic in Bengaluru is spearheaded by the world-renowned and best-in-class board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sreekar Harinatha who is a leading gynecomastia doctor .
- Specializes in male breast gynecomastia surgery in Bangalore
- Authored over 40 scientific publications
- Published a highly acclaimed book titled: ‘The Male Breast: What you should know about Gynecomastia’
- Gynecomastia treatment surgery technique won the prestigious ‘Best Paper’ Award in Taiwan IMCAS
- Experience in over 2000 Gynecomastia surgeries
Some of the transfomation of our happy Patients
With the Best in Class technique from our world renowned Dr. Sreekar Harinatha we can cure all grades of Gynacomatia



Why is Gynecomastia Surgery so common?
- Gynecomastia is an increasingly common problem among Indians
- This is due to the increased occurrence, better awareness and also due to the availability of better treatment options than just excision(gland removal), which was followed until a few years ago
- Now, the recommended treatment for any stage of gynecomastia is a combination of Liposuction and Excision, also known as Lipo-Excision.
- While liposuction deals with the removal of the fat so that the chest is better contoured aesthetically; excision deals with the removal of the excess breast tissue. When used in combination, Lipo-Excision consistently yields excellent and predictable results.
How is Gynecomastia graded?
- Depending on the amount of breast tissue and the amount of loose skin on top of it, Gynecomastia is graded in three grades. They are Grades 1, 2A, 2B and 3 (Sometimes these are referred to as four grades, but technically they fit into these three grades).
- Grade 1 is someone with a mild amount of breast tissue without any skin looseness. They sometimes just come with puffy nipples. Here are some examples.
- Grade 2A is the presence of a moderate amount of breast tissue without loose skin. The size of the gland is bigger than in grade 1.
- Grade 2B is where there is a moderate amount of breast tissue with some amount of extra skin.
- Grade 3 is when there is a large amount of breast tissue with a lot of loose skin.
Dr. Sreekar Harinatha’s modified gynecomastia grading is now widely used and includes skin tone in the assessment of a patient. It is published in the prestigious Brazilian Journal of Plastic Surgery.
Watch his Surgical Video with over 1 Lakh Views here….
Summary of Gynecomastia Surgery at the Best Gynecomastia Surgery Hospital in Bangalore
Procedure time: 60 mins
Admission: Daycare basis (9 am to 6 pm)
Stitch Removal: No (Absorbable stitches)
Leave from Work: A total of three days including the day of surgery, Follow-up consultation after two days of surgery. Gym, swimming, and workouts can be resumed after three weeks
Cost: Rs.55,000 plus 18% GST 9,900= 64.900 plus cost of the compression garment (around 2-3000): Total: Approximately 67-68,000