Surgery Details

Gynecomastia surgery, a transformative solution, restores masculinity by removing excess breast tissue. This procedure offers not just physical change but a boost in self-esteem and confidence.


Why is Gynecomastia Surgery is Important?

Gynecomastia treatment surgery : Gynecomastia is an increasingly treated problem. The gynecomastia website was created to educate people about the various aspects of the surgery. This is partly due to the increased incidence and also due to the availability of better treatment options than just excision that was followed until a few years ago. Now, the recommended treatment for any stage of gynecomastia is a combination of Liposuction and Excision, also known as Lipo-Excision.

While liposuction deals with the removal of the fat so that the chest is better contoured aesthetically, excision deals with the removal of the excess breast tissue. When used in combination, Lipo-Excision consistently yields excellent and predictable results. Before we proceed with surgical details, let’s take a look at the basics of Gynecomastia.

Gynecomastia is a problem worldwide and is known by various names like man boobs, moobs, male chest enlargement, etc. It literally translated to female-like breasts in a man. There are reports that up to 60% of men may be affected by it to a varying extent. Even in Bangalore, there is an increasing incidence of Gynecomastia along with increasing awareness.

 What causes gynecomastia is not fully known. Here is a complete Surgery Details of Gynecomastia is given. Most of the cases of gynecomastia fall into a category called Idiopathic Gynecomastia which means that gynecomastia occurs without any reason. And the second category is called Secondary gynecomastia wherein there is a known cause of breast enlargement like hormonal issues, chromosomal anomalies, Liver disorders, drug abuse, etc. they account for a very minority of the patients.

Depending on the amount of breast tissue and the amount of loose skin on top of it, Gynecomastia is graded in three grades. They are Grades 1, 2A, 2B and 3 (Sometimes these are referred to as four grades, but technically they fit into these three grades).

Grade 1 is someone with a mild amount of breast tissue without any skin looseness. They sometimes just come with puffy nipples. Here are some examples.
Grade 2A is the presence of a moderate amount of breast tissue without loose skin. The size of the gland is bigger than grade 1.
Grade 2B is where there is a moderate amount of breast tissue with some amount of extra skin.
Grade 3 is when there is a large amount of breast tissue with a lot of loose skin.


Gynecomastia treatment surgery : Dr Sreekar Harinatha’s modified gynecomastia grading is now widely used and includes skin tone in assessment fo a patient. It was published in the prestigious Brazilian Journal of Plastic Surgery. It is as follows.

Grade IT

Small enlargement, no skin excess, and normal skin tone

Grade IIAT

Moderate enlargement, no skin excess, and normal skin tone

Grade 1L

Small enlargement, no skin excess, and poor skin tone (indicating laxity)

Grade IIAL

Moderate enlargement, no skin excess, and poor skin tone

Grade IIBT

Moderate enlargement, minimal skin excess, and normal skin tone

Grade IIBL

Moderate enlargement, minimal skin excess, and poor skin tone

Grade IIIT

Marked enlargement, a lot of excess skin, and normal skin tone

Grade IIIT

Marked enlargement, a lot of excess skin, and normal skin tone

Know More about Surgery


Surgery Details of Gynecomastia : Once a patient is graded, the treatment plan is Lipo-Excision. The procedure works perfectly for all grades irrespective of the size, age or loose skin. During the procedure, first, the fat is removed from the chest wall by liposuction and then the gland by excision. During the removal of the gland, sometimes a small quantity of the gland is retained intentionally for better reshaping. That decision is based on the overall shape of the chest and the nature of the overall shape of the body.

However, in patients with a lot of loose skin, it is suggested that they review after 3-6 months of lipo-excision to check the status of loose skin that remains. There are surgical and non-surgical options to get the skin tightened and better contoured.

Before the procedure is done, a few basic tests are necessary to check if you are fit to undergo the procedure.

The procedure takes around 90 minutes to complete and is always done on a daycare basis. That means you can go home on the same day. You, however, are advised to take off from work for two days to recover better. Working from home is allowed during this period. You will have to come back for a checkup after 2-3 days. You have to wear a compression vest (Pressure garment) for 6 weeks to 3 months to get the skin nicely reshaped and contoured.

Summary of the Surgery

In Bangalore, gynecomastia surgery is offered on a daycare basis, with a procedure time of 90 minutes. The cost is approximately Rs.67-68,000, inclusive of 18% GST and the expense of a compression garment (around Rs.3,000). Absorbable stitches negate the need for stitch removal, and patients are advised to take three days off work, including the day of surgery, with a follow-up consultation after two days. Physical activities like gym workouts and swimming can be resumed after three weeks post-surgery.

90 Minutes​

Prcedure Time

9 am - 6 pm

Admission on Day-care basis​

90 Minutes

Prcedure Time

9 am - 6 pm

Admission on Day-care basis

3 Days

Total of 3 days consultaion

Absorbable stitches

No Stich Removal Procedure is required

Rs.55,000 +18% GST

Total: Approximately 67-68,000